Finalist, Accepted into the Global Art Show of the Pastel Society of Alaska, Januar 2025
Finalist, Accepted into the competition "Pure Color`` of the Pastel Society of North Carolina, August 2024
Finalist, Accepted into the competition of the Pastel of Oregon "Spirit of Pastel", Mai 2024
2. Place Get Dusty Competition of the Pastel Guild of Europe, July/August 2023
Finalist in the IAPS 41st Webshow 2022 Open Division
Best of Show (Winner overall) into LCPPS Juried Exhibition 2021, Feb. 2022
1. Place Get Dusty Competition of the Pastel Guild of Europe, December 2021/January 2022
2. Place Get Dusty Competition of the Pastel Guild of Europe, November 2021
Finalist, Accepted into the 39sth IAPS Juried Exhibition 2021 Webshow, November 2021
Finalist, Accepted 3 pastels into PSSC Pastel Society of Southern California, July 2021
Finalist, Accepted into LCPPS Left Coast Pastel Society, Feb. 2021
Finalist, Accepted into the "Spirit of Pastel 2020" Virtual International Open Exhibition of the Pastel Society of Oregon, September 2020
Finalist, Accepted into the 37sth IAPS Juried Exhibition 2020 Webshow , October 1.-31st
Finalist, Accepted in the "Pastels USA International Open Exhibition" of the Pastel Society of the West Coast, September 2020
Finalist, Accepted in the "Make your Mark" online Competition of the Pastel Society of South California, August 2020
Finalist, Accepted in the "Mark of Distinction 2020" online Competition of the Central Mass Pastel Society, July 2020
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition June 2020, Portrait/Figure
1. Place, Best of Show of the "Water" competition of the Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, June 2020
Finalist, Accepted two pastels into the juried show of the Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, Mai 2020
Finalist, Biennale Pastel D ´Opale, Boulogne Sur Mer, März 2020
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition 2019/2020 Free Choice, "Cold Morning"
Finalist, ASPAS (Pintores Pastelistas Espanioles ), Online Contest 2019- Landscape
1. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe, May 2019
Finalist, Accepted two pastels into the juried show Colors of Humanity Art Gallery PA/USA, Mai "Water" 2019
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe, April 2019
1. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe, October 2018
1. Place (Award) PGE International Open Online Competition 2018 for "Rolling in",Category landscape
Honorable Mention for "Bonnie and Clyde" PGE International Open Online Pastel Competition 2018
Colors of Humanity Art Gallery Animals: Honorable Mentions for "Fashion Show" and "Before Lunch" Okt.2018
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe, September 2018
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competiton Pastel Guild of Europe, June 2018
3. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe, Mai 2018
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe, April 2018
1. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe of November 2017
Finalist, Accepted two pastels into the juried show Colors of Humanity Art Gallery PA/USA, November "Animals".
3. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Sept./2017
Finalist, Accepted with one Pastel in the juried show of PURE COLOR of the Pastel Society of North Carolina 2017
Finalist, Accepted two pastels in the juried online show of the ASPAS Pintores Pastelistas Espaniolas September 2017
Signature Member of The Pastel Guild of Europe, August 2017
Finalist, Accepted pastel in the juried show of the ART AWARD of City Weilburg/Germany August 2017
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Juni/2017
2. Platz Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Mai/2017
2. Platz Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe April/2017
Best of Year 2016 Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Januar/2017
1. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe November 2016
3. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Juli-August/2016
Elected Board Member of the Pastel Guild of Europe März 2016
2. und 3. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe April/2016
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe März/2016
Best of Year 2015 Get Dusty Competitions Pastel Guild of Europe Januar/2016
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Pastel Guild of Europe NOvember/2015
3. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Oktober/2015
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Oktober/2015
3. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe September/2015
1. und 2. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe April/2015
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Februar/2015
1. Place Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe November/2014
Honorable Mention Get Dusty Competition Pastel Guild of Europe Juni/2014
10. Place Kreativaward Wiesbaden 2012
In the 4th issue of the first and only issue of China´s PASTEL WORLD 2023/4 has been published my newest article:
Seascapes with Aloha
Judges comments: What a gripping animal portrait!We can immidiatly the exhaustion of this big female turtle who has just made her ponderous way from the ocean onto the beach to lay her precious eggs into the warm sand. The textures of the rough sand, the ocean and the leatherly skin are very well done. The artist also skillfully creates the impression of wetness on the animal with well placed blue accents. Well earned second place!
"Rough Shore" was accepted in the webshow of IAPS!
Judge Eric Wilson fine art comments: I really like this painting! It is more than just a simple rendering. The cat has soul, life and character. The fur is boldly represented and I particularly like the artists emphasis on light and colour rather than detail. I think the whole thing works very well and is a deserved winner.
Judge Jackie Simmonds PSA comments: Chosen for first place because of its life, energy and movement, it is an image which perfectly captured the untamentable wildness of the ocean as it thunders in to shore, thowing up white foam over dark rocks, while creating a multitude of blue hues in its dephts, and fascinating,lifely surface pattering. One can almost hear the sound of the water crashing over itself, in this piece. Technically excellent,atmospherically excellent and beautiful composed.
Judge Eric Wilson wildlife art comments: Lovely composition, nice attention to detail and form, and also I like that the artist has also paid attention to light varying the levels of tone and colour very well.
Jury´s comment: Alain Picard
"This energizing portrait of a Brazilian dancer is full of joy an life. The figure is rendered skillfully to show the vitality and beauty of the subject adorned with an array of sparkeling featherlike costuming. You can hear the music and feel the movement as you view the painting."
Still life with porcelain
Mit diesem Pastell (14x23cm) gewann ich den 2. Platz im Mai Wettbewerb Get Dusty Competition der Pastel Guild of Europe 2017. Ich fand das Thema nicht sehr schwierig, aber ich selbst mag Stlllleben nicht besonders. Es gibt wenige, die modern sind und mich faszinieren. Dazu kam, dass ich zu Hause keine geeigneten Porzellangegenstände fand, die mich inspirierten. Daher war die Überraschung besonders groß. Vielen Dank an die Gastjurorin Sarah Blumenschein!
Jury´s comment by Sarah Blumenschein:
"The cat figurine is beautifully drawn, catching all of the details, shapes and proportions. Giving an accurate representation of the shiny surface is often a challenge and this has been very well done. The eyes of the cat almost seem to come to life."
Jury´s comment by Rita Kirkman:
"Light, color, texture, and a moment captured in time are what I see first in this little wild Explorer. The subtle handling of the warms and cools within the various tones of fur are masterfully done! The wonderful textural contrasts of the finely detailed fur, to the ripples of the water, the middle-ground grasses, and finally the very loose, gestural rocks in the background, create a convincing sense of depth. I like the unconventional pose withing this otherwise traditional portrait composition (the subject centered within the area of the painting.) The cat is looking off to the left, as if something there has caught his attention, and in a moment he will leave the frame. But this doesn't encourage our eyes into leaving; the sunlight streaming on the cat's face holds our eyes, and the bits of dark along his shadowed side and in the background bounce our eyes around and down the right side, and back up the sunny side to his face..."
Jury´s comment by Jacob Aguiar:
"This compex szene is painted skillfully. The use of a varity of greens of different values and colored temperature is handled well. The reflection in the water is deep, rich and beautiful."
"New marbles" Pastell 14,5x19cm gewann den 1.Platz des Wettbewerbes Get Dusty der Pastel Guild of Europe im November!
Softpastelle und Pastellstifte auf schwarzem UART 400 sanded pastel paper.
"New marbles" Softpastelle und Pastellstifte auf schwarzem UART 400 sanded pastel paper.
Das Thema war: Stillleben - A still life with toys.
Judge Lynn Howarth wrote: "This pastel is beautifully composed and draws the eye round the painting pleasingly. The clever use of colour,tone and light makes this painting feel very real to me- you just want to pick these marbles up and play with them."
Juruy´s comment by Margret Evans:
"There is a lovely freshness to this, with detail, yet remaining crisp in colour and value, and very convincing movement to the water, as well as fresh foliage waving in the wind.’
Bei der Wahl zum "Best of Get Dusty 2015" teile ich mir mit Judy Tate den 1.Platz! Das macht uns beide sehr stolz!
"Watching" ist eines meiner Lieblingspastelle.
The guest judge of the competition Adrian Frankel Guiliani comments:
"An intense gaze from this cat was caught in “Watching.” Very skillful handling of the pastels with a wonderful variety of marks. The whiskers, done in a multitude of directions, were true to life and exciting to view. The entire piece has been beautifully handled, from the colors to the fur, to the drawing and textures."
Im April hatten wir das Thema "Animals underwater" und mit den Referenzfotos von Steve Jones,UK ( erreichte ich den 2. und auch den 3. Platz der Competition.
The jury´s comments:
"The friendly giant"
Lynn Howarth said:
"Really like the upward movement in this painting. You get the feeling of great depth due to good use of colour and tone. I also think the breaking of the surface of the water is particularly good!’
Dorothea Schulz said:
‘Although the artist uses a very limited palette, this painting is anything but boring. Here, value not only does the work but gets the credit as well. A beautiful rendering of this visitor from the deep blue."
"Blue Meduse"
Lynn Howarth said:
‘Wonderful use of colour which stands out so well on the black background!’
Susan Corcoran said:
‘The black background just throws this stunning creature almost out of the
painting at us!’
Jury´s comment by Patrick Henry:
"A ‘magic light’ has been effectively rendered with this beautiful choice of harmonious colours. The artist has combined different touches, moving from colour swathes to small details, most notably in the blue and mauve vegetation."
Judge´s comments Barbara Heidi Burns:
"This painting showcases the flowers in an interesting design; the buds and stems pull meinto the painting. The flowers have interesting shapes and varied. The colours in the flowers are subtle and beautiful.
It is a good example of using colour in white objects. I love the punches of blue and the petals."
The votes for the best of Get Dusty 2015 were very spread out and no one entry came out top. So the winners, with an equal amount of votes for each one, are
"Rain in Paja" from Dolores Saul and 3 other member pastels.
Die Stimmen zur Wahl des Platzes Best of Get Dusty 2015 waren weit vertreut und kein Bild kam direkt an die Spitze. So gewannen diesmal die vier Beiräge mit der höchsten gleichen Stimmenanzahl.
3. Platz für "Waiting"!
Jury´s comment:
"Funny idea looking on a rainy scene through a window Everything looks really, really wet Love that the colors are so pure even on a rainy day I like that the colours are so clean and pure. I think the painter has achieved the goal, it is very WET and still in a “happy” colour scheme. Good pastelling skills.
There is a lot of action in this work. Movement and drama! Great work on thefeathers. There is an excellent sense of recession in the background and the waterand feathers have been created with vibrant confident strokes. In my opinion themost delicious part of this painting is where the feathers meet the water and theedges are lost. Fantastic water!
"Asian Beauty"
"This is a beautiful portrayal of a Mandarin duck. Wonderful work on the different types of feathers, they are absolutely fantastic, especially the tail feathers and the wing! I Love the contrast of the detailed work in the bird and the plain background which works really well as contrast. The artist has made full use of the paper colour by leaving the background uncovered and has created a wonderful 3D effect. The ground the bird stands on is merely suggested but looks solid and real."
Jury´s comment
"This is again a still life painted with incredible skill and passion. The colour balance is magnificent and textures so real one could almost reach out and squeeze it. I would have liked to see just a small reduction of the intensity of the reflection towards the bottom of the painting, just to improve the balance a little."
Jury´s comment by Jackie Simmonds:
"The mischievous grin of the girl and the title say it all. One can hear her laugh, almost. Someone is having a lot of fun 'digging herself in'. The texture of the sand and the shadow values are very well handled and there is a real sense of light giving a nice impression of summer on the beach. The difficulty of painting skin tones against a similarly coloured beach background has been successful in this painting, with the tone of the sea allowing the blonde hair to shine in the sun.